Thursday, July 14, 2011

Once Upon a Time Read-a-Thon Wrap Up

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

When I signed up for this Read-a-Thon I was sure I would have time get a few books out of the way and a lot of time to read. I mean, hey, the kids are working and I am home alone all day, so what could interrupt all that great reading time?!

Well, a couple of surprise visitors really took a huge chunk out of my time, and then there were a few things that popped up that needed taken care of. Oh man - I had to kiss all those hours good-bye.

What did I learn? The next read-a-thon that I participate in will be done from a hotel room with room service, no phone, and sound-proof walls! :)

My accomplishments are meager:

448 pages

288 pages


a mere 51 pages

For a grand total of:
787 pages... sigh....

Still in all, I had a great time and finished a couple of books that have been on my TBR pile for a long, long time!!

1 comment:

  1. Those are wonderful accomplishments. I'm reading Dracula now for the first time and surprised at how good it is.
