Bible Smuggling 101
Legally Saturating High Schools with God’s Word
In today’s divisive culture-war society, when news stories about separation of church and state thrive with controversy, one cutting-edge Christian ministry is having remarkable success spreading the Word of God. What makes it remarkable? They are doing it by distributing Bibles in public schools—legally.
Carl Blunt is the president and CEO of The Life Book Movement, a Christian mission centered on Blunt’s own contemporary, youth-oriented edition of a portion of the Bible called The Life Book, a unique presentation of Scripture designed to engage high school students with the truth of God’s Word. The Life Book presents a brief overview of the Old Testament and the Book of John using an interactive format with honest student comments and real-life questions in the margins. Readers are drawn into the only story that can change their lives forever.
The Life Book Movement is best described to students as a week-long mission trip to their local high school. Local churches work together in targeted areas to ensure The Life Book is offered to every student in each chosen high school. All churches involved receive the books at no cost from The Life Book Movement and provide the books, along with some evangelism training, to the students in their youth groups. The students then spend a week passing them out to their friends and classmates at school. One student who received the book said, “I got one today. I read it in almost every class today. I like it. It’s pretty neat and other people asked to look at it and then asked where to get one.”
Flying under the radar since its inception last fall, The Life Book Movement is rapidly closing in on distribution of more than 300,000 copies in public high schools across 21 states and even the British Virgin Islands. A quiet success, indeed, but extremely ambitious, The Life Book Movement has an ultimate goal of distributing The Life Book to nearly 18 million high school students when all is said and done. And, so far, the outlook is extremely promising.
My Thoughts:
We have two teens in our family, one in college and the other high school, so we put this book to the test with both age groups to see what would happen. The design of the book itself seemed to draw the all of the teens in. The notes and comments on the sides of the pages and throughout the whole book kept the teens interested, and we heard many make comments like, "Yah, I wondered that, too" or "That's just what I thought". The book was passed around a lot, and the kids seemed to really enjoy how it was written. It didn't seem as much like a Bible, as it did a conversational piece - making this book much less likely to be turned down than if you handed a teen a Bible.
I really wasn't sure how I would feel about this book, but I see it works! It really looks like a bunch of kids have made notes since there's 4 different hand writing styles from 4 different people. The text itself is circled, underlined, arrows drawn, notes all over.
This really is quite an interesting way to get the Word into the hands of teens!!!
This book was supplied by B&B Media for me to honestly review.
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